Own a Piece of the Horror Novel House

VALUE: $500




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Have you ever wished you could own enigmatic relics of a bygone Southern gothic age when ghosts were ghosts and dolls were possessed?

Now you can! Simply enter this giveaway and then perform extra actions to boost your chances of winning.

Included in this cache that helped inspire EV Knight's novel The House on the Cover of a Horror Novel are:

  1. Portrait of a girl you don't want to see in real life
  2. Portrait of a newly married couple doomed to reside on your shelf
  3. The letters that will spell your doom
  4. The doll that will make sure of that
  5. A toy with a disturbing tongue

NOTE: All prizes included in this giveaway are offered in pre-exorcized condition, and the Giveaway Winner and their survivors hold the author and publisher harmless in the event of supernatural misfortune.

Giveaway Timezone: EDT
Raw Dog Screaming Press

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