Your Money. Your Mission. One-Year Anniversary Giveaway

VALUE: $1,000




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To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the "Your Money. Your Mission." podcast, we are giving away (4) tickets to the JFG suite at the Milwaukee Brewer’s game on Saturday, July 27th for our lucky first prize winner. Additionally, (5) second prize winners will each receive a $100 gift card.

It’s simple to enter (above) and you get bonus entries for subscribing to the podcast and liking us on social media. 

About the podcast: The show that helps you maximize your wealth by turning complex financial situations into actionable advice. On Your Money. Your Mission., we answer the questions you’ve been asking about -- financial planning, investing, retirement and everything in between. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of the market or looking for the best ways to save or spend your money, tune in to hear from experienced financial advisors with JFG. Walk away from each episode with savvy tips and financial tools to help you have confidence in your financial future.

Giveaway Timezone: CDT

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